FORM15 ID Graduate Exhibition

What an amazing way to end four years of study! Tonight we celebrated the fruit of our year long efforts. The Industrial Design Graduands exhibition is a showcase of student honours year capstone projects. I was one of a team of six studenst from our year that opted to be a part of the exhibition committee. We had a blast organising and designing the exhbition over a course of three months. 

My parents and my brother Peter Kawecki who I cannot thank enough for his encouragement and critiques throughout my capstone honours year.

My parents and my brother Peter Kawecki who I cannot thank enough for his encouragement and critiques throughout my capstone honours year.

One of my lovely and inspirational lecturers Rina Bernabei.

One of my lovely and inspirational lecturers Rina Bernabei.

Fantastic lecturer Christian Tietz and my fellow student and bestfriend Ana Jamshidi.

Fantastic lecturer Christian Tietz and my fellow student and bestfriend Ana Jamshidi.

The exhibition committee were surprised with a thank you gift from our year! 

The exhibition committee were surprised with a thank you gift from our year! 

Left to right; Christian Reeks consulting mechatronics engineer for Respia, Amy Leedham my fellow student and bestfriend, Mathew Mudge friend and UNSW Science PhD student.

Left to right; Christian Reeks consulting mechatronics engineer for Respia, Amy Leedham my fellow student and bestfriend, Mathew Mudge friend and UNSW Science PhD student.